Flag Magical Mathematics[Interesting Approach]> There are n houses on a street numbered h...
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There are n houses on a street numbered h1; : : : ; hn. Each house can either be painted blue or red.i. How many ways can the houses h1; : : : ; hn be painted?ii. Suppose n ≥ 4 and the houses are situated on n points on a circle. There is an additional constraint on painting the houses: exactly two houses need to be painted blue and they cannot be next to each other. How many ways can the houses h1; : : : ; hn be painted under this new constraint?iii. How will your answer to the previous question change if the houses are located on n points on a line. first part my answer is 2^n. i need help for rest 2 parts.

shiya , 6 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
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